Why Alpaca Pillows?
We use 100% US Alpaca and US Organic Cotton because of its properties.  Alpaca fiber has a semi-hollow core, deterring dust mites, which are the leading causes of asthma and allergies in the bedroom. This porous fiber creates an extra insulation value for a constant balance of temperature when we are in contact with it. Alpaca is naturally fire resistant!  
No toxic chemicals needed!
Exclusive Designs in Alpaca!

Wear the natural Royal Fleece of Alpaca!
         Better than Cashmere!

Stop sleeping on Toxic Pillows! Alpaca pillows are all-natural,  hypoallergenic, and naturally fire resistant 
                    -U.S. Alpaca Co
       Why sleep on toxic pillows?  
   Sleep on Natural Luxurious Alpaca  

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​  The report, "Hidden Hazards In the Nursery," found toxic flame retardants in 85 percent, or 17 out of 20, new baby and children’s products tested. Bassinet pads, nursing pillows, changing pads, and car seats were among the items. Read 

Toxic chemicals are used widely in the mattress industry today, and their long-term effects are worrisome. Scientists have particular concerns about their effects on the developing brains of children. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have described toxic chemicals in the environment as a "silent pandemic."
If you change only one thing to make your lives healthier it should be your pillow. 

Don't you want your family to Sleep on a Safe and Healthy Pillow?  Stop breathing in the fumes of dangerous foam toxins while you and your family sleep. 

         My Alpaca Pillow and Pachmana (c) brand are a division of the USAlpaca Company (c) and Smith Mountain Lake Farm LLC, 
                                           and is proud to be a maker and distributor for Quality products Made in the USA. (c) 2012
The information on this website is provided by the USAlpaca Company for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice on legal, medical, therapeutic or technical matters. By using and accessing this site you agree to waive any rights to hold MyAlpacaPillow.com or USAlpacaCompany.com and groups and/or individuals associated with this site liable for any damages that may result from the use or dissemination of this content. The copyright of design, text, charts and images contained on this site that are owned by USAlpacaCompany.com and its affiliates and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. The material contained herein may not be altered, modified or publicly distributed without the express written authorization of USAlpacaCompany.com 
The Healthiest and Most Luxurious Pillows Made!

Pachmana~ Because Mother Knows Best (c)  
Proudly Made in the USA!

March 25th, 2014,  April, 21, 2015

Dear Robbin,

On behalf of The International Women’s Leadership Association, it is my distinct pleasure to notify you that, in consideration of your contribution to family career, and community, you have been selected as a woman of outstanding leadership.
With appreciation for who you are and what you do,


Beth Johnston
Executive Director
National Association of Professional Woman of the Year Award for 2013
​You were chosen as NAPW Woman of the Year...

...You are also mainly selected considering your prominence, your commitment to further expand within your industry role and your leadership achievements thus far. Only about 2% of well over 400,000 members both on regional and national levels were chosen this year to represent their professional industry...

National Association of Professional Women

Proudly Made in the USA!
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Alpaca Fiber
Pet Pillows
Fashion Info
Contact Us

More info: 860-307-2143
Alpaca History in the Olympics!
Ralph Lauren designed this 30% alpaca blend sweater using US Alpaca!
Both Christmas coats were an Alpaca Blend for these Royal Girls!  Kate often wears her alpaca hats, and both her and her sister, Pippa, own them in several colors for the ultimate in Style and Warmth! 
                  Alpaca in the NEWS
Boston University Medical Center
Researchers suggests a link between polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs), industrial compounds which are widely used in many consumer products, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. PFCs are highly stable compounds used in industrial and commercial products like stain-resistance coatings, food packaging, and fire-fighting foams.